Freeride Montpelier, a collectively organized non-profit welcoming all community members, promotes bicycling as an affordable, sustainable, and joyful means of transportation.

We provide community-wide access to the knowledge, tools and support for maintenance and safe riding, as well as access to pre-owned bikes and parts.

Keep the Cycle Going

What we offer:

Bikes and Parts

Bikes + Parts

Affordable refurbished bikes, and new and used parts.



DIY (do-it-yourself), DIT (do-it-together), and drop off tune-ups.


Learn how to fix your bike and help maintain it for each season.

Pay-what-you-can pricing:

No one turned away for lack of funds

Sliding-scale pricing on all bikes, parts, and shop time

Pay-it-forward option to sustain this model

Help us keep the cycle going!


Donate bikes, parts, money, or volunteer your time.